U.S. urged to stop sending wrong signals to 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces

business2024-06-03 17:14:11792

(ECNS) -- China urges the U.S. to act seriously in accordance with the commitments that have been reaffirmed multiple times by the U.S. leaders to not support "Taiwan independence," "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan", handle Taiwan-related issues with utmost prudence, said Mao Ning, a spokesperson for Chinese Foreign Ministry, on Tuesday.

Mao made the remarks while addressing a question about the government of Nauru's decision to sever its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement, saying that the government of Nauru's action is a sovereign decision but it is nonetheless a disappointing one.

The U.S. has pointed fingers at the decision independently made by a sovereign country, tried every means to smear China’s diplomacy and encouraged the Taiwan region to expand "international space," Mao said.

This gravely violates the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, seriously interferes in China’s internal affairs and severely contravenes the basic norms governing international relations, she added.

"I would like to stress that there is but one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and the one-China principle is a universally recognized basic norm governing international relations and a prevailing international consensus," the spokesperson said.

The government of Nauru's decision to restore diplomatic relations with China once again shows that the one-China principle is where global opinion trends and where the arc of history bends, she added.

Address of this article:http://mozambique.bankruptcyintn.com/content-84c199854.html


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